
Fast Billing Solutions

medical billing in new york


As patients, understanding the intricacies of medical billing can be challenging and overwhelming. Medical bills arrive in various forms, and it’s essential to be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a healthcare consumer in New York. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore key aspects of medical billing in the state, such as the time limit for medical providers to bill patients, the legality of balance billing, the New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act, and tips on how to dispute medical bills with insurance. Additionally, we will highlight the importance of utilizing a medical billing company in New York to navigate these complexities efficiently and ensure a seamless patient experience.

1. How Long Does a Medical Provider Have to Bill You in New York?

The process of medical billing involves several steps, including the medical provider’s submission of claims to insurance companies or patients for services rendered. In New York, medical Billing in New Yorkproviders typically have a certain time frame within which they must bill patients for their services.

According to New York state law, medical providers are required to submit bills to patients within six years from the date the services were provided. This means that patients may receive medical bills for services rendered up to six years ago. However, it is essential to review the billing details carefully, as errors and inaccuracies can sometimes occur.

2. Is Balance Billing Legal in New York?

Balance billing refers to the practice of billing patients for the difference between the healthcare provider’s charge and the amount covered by the patient’s insurance. In some states, balance billing is legal, but in New York, it is largely restricted by law.

New York has comprehensive laws in place to protect patients from surprise medical bills, which often result from balance billing. Under the New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act, patients who receive out-of-network care in an emergency or are unknowingly treated by an out-of-network provider during a covered service are protected from surprise balance billing. Instead, the responsibility for resolving payment disputes falls on the healthcare provider and the insurance company.

3. NYS Surprise Bill Form PDF

As part of the New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act, patients have access to a New York State Surprise Bill Complaint Form (PDF). This form allows patients to dispute surprise medical bills received from out-of-network providers during emergency care or non-emergency situations where they did not knowingly choose an out-of-network provider.

By completing and submitting the NYS Surprise Bill Form, patients can initiate the process of resolving billing disputes and potentially protect themselves from financial burdens resulting from surprise medical bills.

4. Receiving a Medical Bill 2 Years Later

It is not uncommon for patients to receive medical bills for services rendered several months or even years after the date of treatment. As mentioned earlier, New York law allows medical providers to bill patients up to six years from the date services were provided.

Receiving a medical bill 2 years later may be unsettling, but it is essential to review the bill for accuracy and to check whether it corresponds to services received. If there are any concerns or discrepancies, patients have the right to dispute the charges.

5. The New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act

The New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act, enacted in 2015, is a significant piece of legislation designed to protect patients from surprise medical bills. Under this act, patients are shielded from balance billing when they receive out-of-network care in emergency situations or during in-network services by out-of-network providers.

The act also established a dispute resolution process, allowing patients to file complaints with the New York State Department of Financial Services using the NYS Surprise Bill Form. This process aims to resolve billing disputes between healthcare providers and insurance companies, ensuring patients are not caught in the middle.

6. Understanding Surprise Medical Bills

Surprise medical bills often occur when patients receive care from out-of-network providers during emergencies or scheduled procedures. These bills can be significantly higher than expected and pose financial hardships for patients.

In New York, the Surprise Bill Act seeks to protect patients from such bills, ensuring that they are only responsible for in-network cost-sharing amounts, even when receiving out-of-network care.

7. How to Dispute Medical Bills with Insurance

Disputing medical bills with insurance companies can be a daunting process, but it is essential to ensure that patients are not burdened with excessive charges. Here are steps to effectively dispute medical bills:

a. Review the Bill: Carefully review the billing statement to ensure its accuracy and that it corresponds to services received.

b. Check Insurance Coverage: Confirm that the services in question were covered under your insurance policy.

c. Communicate with the Healthcare Provider: Reach out to the medical provider’s billing department to discuss any billing concerns or discrepancies.

d. Contact Your Insurance Company: If the issue is related to insurance coverage, contact your insurance company to clarify any misunderstandings or mistakes.

e. File a Formal Complaint: If issues persist, consider filing a formal complaint with the New York State Department of Financial Services using the NYS Surprise Bill Form for surprise medical bills.

8. The Benefits of Using a Medical Billing Company in New York

Navigating the complexities of medical billing and insurance can be challenging for both patients and healthcare providers. Utilizing a medical billing company in New York can offer significant advantages, such as:

a. Expertise: Medical billing companies have experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of medical coding, claims submission, and insurance requirements.

b. Compliance: These companies are well-versed in New York’s specific billing regulations and stay updated with changes in the industry.

c. Revenue Optimization: Medical billing companies can streamline the billing process, reducing errors and denials, ultimately leading to improved revenue cycles for healthcare providers.

d. Patient-Centric Approach: With their knowledge of patient rights and billing regulations, medical billing companies prioritize transparent billing communication and dispute resolution, enhancing the patient experience.

e. Focus on Core Healthcare Services: By outsourcing billing responsibilities to a medical billing company, healthcare providers can concentrate on delivering quality patient care.


Medical billing in New York involves a complex array of regulations, time limits, and patient rights. Understanding these aspects is crucial to protect patients from surprise medical bills and balance billing disputes. Patients have the right to dispute medical bills, especially if they receive them several years after services were provided. The New York State Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bill Act provides essential protection for patients against surprise medical bills, and the NYS Surprise Bill Form can be used to initiate dispute resolution.

In the midst of these complexities, medical billing companies in New York offer a valuable solution. By leveraging their expertise, compliance knowledge, and patient-centric approach, these companies can optimize revenue cycles and enhance the overall patient experience. Partnering with a reputable medical billing company empowers healthcare providers to focus on their core healthcare services while ensuring accurate and efficient billing processes for their patients.

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