
Fast Billing Solutions

7 Important Medical Billing Problems and Their Solutions

medical billing problems

Medical billing problems are the biggest reasons through which healthcare or small practices lost a lot of their revenue and effort. Medical billing is a necessary task for every physical therapy practice. Even when it’s a priority, problems can occur that can slow down your cash flow and result in denied claims and financial difficulties. The […]

What is Medical Billing? 4 Important Tips.


Medical billing is the process of creating healthcare claims to submit to insurance companies in order to get reimbursement for medical services provided by providers and provider organisations. The medical biller tracks the claim after translating a healthcare service into a billing claim to guarantee the organisation receives reimbursed for the work the provider accomplished. […]

100 life-changing Medical Billing and Coding Terminology

medical billing and coding terminology

Medical billing and coding terminology is vital to the healthcare industry. Without it, hospitals and doctors’ offices wouldn’t be able to request payment for services. If you’ve looked into joining the field, you’ve probably heard a few medical billing and coding terms over and over. But what do they mean, and how do they relate to […]

13 Mind-Blowing Medical Billing and Coding Skills

medical billing and coding skills, medical billing in new york

Medical billing and coding Skills likely come to mind when you consider core industry competencies like using coding software, understanding the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) database, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), as well as a fundamental understanding of money and healthcare.But those aren’t the only abilities that are helpful for medical billing and coding skills […]

Top 3 benefits of MACRA and MIPS in Medical Billing in New York?

MIPS-MACRA-by-medical billing in new york

MACRA & MIPS have great importance in medical billing in new york. The federal law known as MACRA is the one that made MIPS compulsory. If you or your practise meets specific requirements, you can be compelled to provide MIPS data. Better treatment can result in higher reimbursements from the MIPS programme for your practise, […]

What is Medical Coding? A Simple Justification.

Medical coding services

Medical coding in new york is defined as “the transformation of healthcare diagnosis, procedures, medical services in new york and equipment into universal medical alph-anumeric codes by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)®. To put it simply, this refers to the process of converting critical medical information into straightforward codes for the purpose of […]